Weddings are very expensive and one way to say a little is to make or have you maid of honor make the wedding bouquet and the bridesmaids’ bouquets. You need a straight handle bridal bouquet holder and a stand to hold the bouquet holder in place while you work on it. You will need 12 roses fully hydrated and open.
Cut stems to about 2 inches. Insert at the base of the bouquet holder. Continue in a triangle formation. Repeat. The entire bouquet will be done in a triangle format. Your bouquet might not need all of the roses, it will depend on how full the roses have come out. Fill any holes with extra roses.
Turn bouquet upside down and hide stems with rose foliage. To complete bouquet, use a commercial stem lock. It is a type of spray glue which is put on the surface and makes a type of netting to hold all roses in place.
When the bouquets are finished, they will mean more because you made them or your maid of honor made them.
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